
Hello my name is Puteri Ashqistina and this is my first post.

Hahahahhaa, guys. I've been wanting to create a new blog(yes, i've had blogSS before) since i started matriculation to reminisce in the future because i'm a sentimental dreamer who's stuck in yesteday but i thought it would makan masa, and you know the saying "hangat hangat tahi ayam?" i'm that person, too. If i want something like let's say a new pencil case, i'd really, truly, completely want it at THAT time! And if i fail to get it, the next thing i know, i'm moving on with life.

And so creating a blog has been my unfulfilled wish....until my computer science lecturer told us to create one as our last assignment for Sem 1. So here it is, hello my name is Puteri Ashqistina and this is my first post.

Class's ending now, gotta blast!! To LH2.
